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Change the world

  • The HCI Foundation is the corporate social investment arm of HCI, a black empowerment investment company that has its origins in the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union. Our primary concern is the upliftment of all people in South Africa so that all may share in an improved quality of life. We aim to bring about change and make a sustainable impact in underdeveloped and underprivileged communities through interactive partnerships with other stakeholders.

    HCI Foundation

  • Gumtree is committed to helping you take your studies to the next level! To help kick start your tertiary education, Gumtree is offering a school fund program to three lucky winners located in South Africa. The Gumtree School fund will grant three cash prizes, one for each of the three winners - two winners will receive a cash prize of R 5 000 and one Grand Prize Winner will recieve a cash prize of R 10,000
  • The Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Services SETA) was established and registered in March 2000 in terms of the Skills Development Act of 1998. Services SETA has to ensure that the skill requirements of the services sector are identified and that adequate and appropriate skills are readily available. The Services SETA contributes to the improvement of sector skills through achieving a more favourable balance between demand and supply.

    Services SETA aims to provide for the skills development needs of the services sector through the bursary awards amongst others.

    Services SETA bursaries aim to provide opportunities for employed and unemployed learners who are interested in studying towards a qualification in the Services Sector.